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3D printed faces of people throwing butts on the ground

A development has occurred in America that will make those who throw cigarette butts on the ground think twice before doing so. In an interesting exhibition held in the country, the faces of those who threw cigarette butts on the ground began to be exhibited.

This interesting project called Stranger Visions started with American educator and artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg collecting cigarette butts from the streets of New York and examining them. Hagborg subjected the cigarette butts he collected to genomic research and performed DNA analysis on them. Then, bringing together the data he obtained, Hagborg started taking printouts from 3D printers to see approximately what these people's faces looked like. At the end of the day, the faces of those who polluted the streets turned into statues, and this development became talked about all over the world. So much so that the project even attracted the attention of the Toronto police, and collaborations took place between Hagborg and the police to solve various criminal cases.

Hagborg's interesting project has now turned into an exhibition. The resulting sculptures are exhibited publicly in places such as the Victoria and Albert Museum, Center Pompidou and the New York Historical Society. However, the project quickly became controversial and criticized due to the influence of the press and various concerns. Despite this, Hagborg's phenotyping studies based on DNA analysis seem to be talked about for a long time.


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